PO Box 67 Varsity Lakes QLD 4227 - Australia
07 5575 7077
0424 175 232
All Employers are to give the eligible employee a Standard Choice Form to choice what fund they wish to have their Superannuation paid to. If you don’t meet your obligations, including paying your employees superannuation contributions to the correct fund, you may face penalties.
Understanding taxes and meeting your taxation obligations can save you money. By paying the right amount you can avoid late payment penalties. By law the Tax Office requires you to keep and maintain business records for 5 years. Failure to do so may result in high penalties.
As an employer you have an obligation to offer your employees information on contractual employee entitlements:
Get It Right Bookkeeping will help you lodge your monthly or quarterly statements online or manually.
Deadline to lodge the Superannuation Guarantee which is calculated at 9% of each of your eligible employee earnings.